Thursday, September 6, 2007

On the unholy triumvirate

Tara: I've never seen hentai. And I'm okay with that.
Coworker 3: You don't need to.
Coworker 1: For some reason guys send that sort of thing to each other. I still haven't ever seen goatse and I don't want to.
Tara: Yeah, I'm pretty proud that I've never seen goatse, tub girl or lemon party.
Coworker 1: Lemon party is gross. I remember seeing that, closing it and then opening it again. Because you have to look twice.
Coworker 3: [eating breakfast]
Coworker 1: Lemon party will make you cringe but tub girl actually has that gag reflex factor.
Coworker 3: [doesn't look happy to be eating breakfast at that exact moment in time]
Tara: How's that breakfast working out for you?
Coworker 3: Not so great.
Tara: I don't ever want to see them but I think that if a gun were held to my head and I had to choose one to see or die, I would choose lemon party.
Coworker 3: Ugh. No.
Coworker 1: I could see that. It would be different for a chick.
Coworker 3: You know, you just need to go ahead and do it. See them all and get it all out of the way. You know what Nietzsche said. You need to stare into the abyss...
Tara: That is goatse?

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