Sunday, September 16, 2007

On bromanties

Chris: Karrie and I are going to finish 'In Her Shoes' tomorrow night.
Tara: I still can't believe you like that movie. You have more of a
uterus than I do.
Chris: I'm wearing my manties!
Tara: You're *what*?
Ryan: I overheard it at school. It's genius because it's so obvious.
Tara: Please name Chris' mangina, Natalie. He's out of hand.
Natalie: Hmm...ah. I have it. Lady Winnifred Cockleshell Herringbone III.
Tara: Amazing.
Chris: Manties!
Tara: Best new word ever.
Natalie: What about bromance? I still like that one.
Chris: Would those involved in a bromance wear bromanties?
Ryan: Bromanties sounds like a greek god.
Natalie: Yeah. Bromantes, god of saunas and foreskin.

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