Friday, January 18, 2008

Guest entry: on names

Neil: Hey.
Brown: Hey.
Neil: Are you ever scared that someone will make a supremely popular song that prominently features your name in the title and/or chorus.
Brown: Why would that scare me?
Neil: Well, it would kind of change your life.
Brown: How?
Neil: Depends on the song. Depends on the singer. But, I mean, that's one of the first things people would say when they meet you. People are always trying to say smart things when they first meet someone.
Brown: Right. Example?
Neil: Example? Sure. Tommy?
Tommy: Yeah.
Neil: Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy: Fuck off.
Brown: Ah, I see.
Neil: So?
Brown: Yeah, I'm not that worried. Are you?
Neil: Not really. I just don't like the idea that something as external and obnoxious as a pop song could change the shape of my life.
Tommy: It's more like it changes the smell of your life.

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