Coworker 3: Here are some poetic statistics. On the top 100 most popular pages on
26 - Hitler
27 - Britney Spears
28 - Masturbation
42 - Germany
43 - Anal Sex
69 - George W Bush
70 - Pornography
71 - The Beatles
79 - Batman
80 - Penis
Coworker 3: ????
Tara: I've got nothing... that's incredible
Coworker 3: and finally:
95 - Beowulf
96 - Vagina
97 - The Holocaust
Coworker 3: I can't believe that the tv show Scrubs is more popular than vaginas
Tara: That doesn't even make sense. Unless it's because people with vaginas like Scrubs, and vaginas ain't no thang because they've already got them ( I can't believe I said that either, but I can't think of a better way to put it)
Ken: LOL. Insightful. I think you might have something there.
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